Lys: A language that compiles to WebAssembly
Back in 2017, I wanted to learn WebAssembly, so I started investigating about it. The lack of good material led me to learning "the hard way", breaking every repository I found.
Having spent hundreds of hours behind the keyboard, flights, trains, and endless toilet-hours thinking about this project, it is difficult to start writing about it.
Mostly by accident, I ended up creating a simple compiler that translates simple mathematical expressions and functions into WebAssembly. Suddenly this language began to grow and I started treating it more seriously.
During this year or so, I gathered a lot of information about languages in general and WASM itself. Some of the takeaways were:
- There is so little information about the decision processes behind major languages.
- WASM works well, but in terms of compilers it is almost a hack on top of the LLVM. This deserves its own article.
- It is not yet a first class citizen of the web. It requires a lot of glue code which is often an auto-generated black-box.
I have published this side project to see what the internet can do with it.
About this language
At some point I tried to organize the work by following some simple rules:
Avoid human errors as much as possible: First of all, do not do nasty things and do not let the user make mistakes:
- Do not include null pointers or even pointers at all
- Do not include implicit unsafe type casting (Hello JS!)
Functional, but try to hide the complexity: Lots of developers get doubtful the first time they see a functional language. The goal is to have a fully functional language with a user friendly syntax. No parentheses everywhere (LISP like languages), no absence of visual structure (Haskell), not a syntax heavily loaded with symbols (Rust, scala)
Magic is bad: Avoid doing black magic for the user, do not let the user overload any possible symbol (scala) or let the user try to decipher the symbology of the language (rust, haskell) or inject implicit contexts (scala).
It has to be consistent: It is one of the most important things while learning something. It has to be consistent so you can easily abstract it in your head. One of the strategies I follow to achieve this is to tear everything down to the smallest possible building blocks and just build those small pieces. The rest will be sugar syntax using those blocks.
Bootstrappable: It has to be useful for something, usually a good way to prove that in languages is to write the compiler in the same language. To do so, I'll keep the compiler simple so I can translate the compiler to this language "easily". I mean, if implementing async/awaits in this new language is a pain in the rear, try to avoid async/awaits in the compiler.
How does it look?
Structs & Implementing operators
struct Vector3(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32)
impl Vector3 {
fun -(lhs: Vector3, rhs: Vector3): Vector3 =
lhs.x - rhs.x,
lhs.y - rhs.y,
lhs.z - rhs.z
fun property_length(this: Vector3): f32 =
this.x * this.x +
this.y * this.y +
this.z * this.z
fun distance(from: Vector3, to: Vector3): f32 = {
(from - to).length
Pattern matching
// this snippet is an actual unit test
import support::test
enum Color {
Custom(r: i32, g: i32, b: i32)
fun isRed(color: Color): boolean = {
match color {
case is Red -> true
case is Custom(r, g, b) -> r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 0
else -> false
fun main(): void = {
mustEqual(isRed(Red), true, "isRed(Red)")
mustEqual(isRed(Green), false, "isRed(Green)")
mustEqual(isRed(Blue), false, "isRed(Blue)")
mustEqual(isRed(Custom(255,0,0)), true, "isRed(Custom(255,0,0))")
mustEqual(isRed(Custom(0,1,3)), false, "isRed(Custom(0,1,3))")
mustEqual(isRed(Custom(255,1,3)), false, "isRed(Custom(255,1,3))")
Algebraic data types
// this snippet is an actual unit test
enum Tree {
Node(value: i32, left: Tree, right: Tree)
fun sum(arg: Tree): i32 = {
match arg {
case is Empty -> 0
case is Node(value, left, right) -> value + sum(left) + sum(right)
fun main(): void = {
val tree = Node(42, Node(3, Empty, Empty), Empty)
support::test::mustEqual(sum(tree), 45, "sum(tree) returns 45")
Types and overloads are created in the language itself
The compiler only knows how to emit functions and how to link function names. I did that so I had fewer things hardcoded into the compiler and allows me to write the language in the language.
To do that, I had to add a %wasm { ... }
code block, and a
%stack { ... }
type literal.
%wasm { ... }
: can only be used as a function body, not as an expression. It is literally the code that will be emited to WAST. The parameter names remain the same (prefixed with$
as WAST indicates). Other symbols can be resolved withfully::qualified::names
. -
%stack { wasm="i32", size=4 }
: it is a type literal, it indicates how much memory should be allocated for structs (size
), and what type to use in locals and function parameters (wasm
, it needs a better name).
/** We first define the type `int` */
type int = %stack { wasm="i32", size=4 }
/** Implement some operators for the type `int` */
impl int {
fun +(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = %wasm {
(i32.add (get_local $lhs) (get_local $rhs))
fun -(lhs: int, rhs: int): int = %wasm {
(i32.sub (get_local $lhs) (get_local $rhs))
fun >(lhs: int, rhs: int): boolean = %wasm {
(i32.gt_s (get_local $lhs) (get_local $rhs))
fun fibo(n: int, x1: int, x2: int): int = {
if (n > 0) {
fibo(n - 1, x2, x1 + x2)
} else {
#[export "fibonacci"] // "fibonacci" is the name of the exported function
fun fib(n: int): int = fibo(n, 0, 1)
Some sugar
Enum types
enum Tree {
Node(value: i32, left: Tree, right: Tree)
Is the sugar syntax for
type Tree = Node | Empty
struct Node(value: i32, left: Tree, right: Tree)
struct Empty()
impl Tree {
fun is(lhs: Tree): boolean = lhs is Node || lhs is Empty
// ...
impl Node {
fun as(lhs: Node): Tree = %wasm { (local.get $lhs) }
// ... many methods were removed for clarity ..
impl Empty {
fun as(lhs: Node): Tree = %wasm { (local.get $lhs) }
// ...
operators are just functions
impl u8 {
* Given an expression with the shape:
* something as Type
* ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
* $lhs $rhs
* A function with the signature:
* fun as($lhs: LHSType): $rhs = ???
* Will be searched in the impl of LHSType
fun as(lhs: u8): f32 = %wasm { (f32.convert_i32_u (get_local $lhs)) }
fun byteAsFloat(value: u8): f32 = value as f32
struct CustomColor(rgb: i32)
type Red = void
impl Red {
fun is(lhs: CustomColor): boolean = match lhs {
case is Custom(rgb) -> (rgb & 0xFF0000) == 0xFF0000
else -> false
var x = CustomColor(0xFF0000) is Red
// this may not be a good thing, but you get the idea
There are no dragons behind the structs
The struct
keyword is only a high level construct that creats a type and base
implementation of something that behaves like a data type, normally in the heap.
struct Node(value: i32, left: Tree, right: Tree)
Is the sugar syntax for
// We need to keep the name and order of the fields for deconstructors
type Node = %struct { value, left, right }
impl Node {
fun as(lhs: Node): Tree = %wasm {
(local.get $lhs)
fun as(lhs: Node): ref = %wasm {
(local.get $lhs)
// the discriminant is the type number assigned by the compiler
private fun Node$discriminant(): u64 = {
val discriminant: u32 = Node.^discriminant
discriminant as u64 << 32
// this is the function that gets called when Node is used as a function call
fun apply(value: i32, left: Tree, right: Tree): Node = {
// a pointer is allocated. Then using the function `fromPointer` it is converted
// to a valid Node reference
var $ref = fromPointer(system::memory::calloc(1 as u32, Node.^allocationSize))
property$0($ref, value)
property$1($ref, left)
property$2($ref, right)
// this function converts a raw address into a valid Node type
private fun fromPointer(ptr: u32): Node = %wasm {
(i64.or (call Node$discriminant) (i64.extend_u/i32 (local.get $ptr)))
fun ==(a: Node, b: Node): boolean = %wasm {
(i64.eq (local.get $a) (local.get $b))
fun !=(a: Node, b: Node): boolean = %wasm {
( (local.get $a) (local.get $b))
fun property_value(self: Node): i32 = property$0(self)
fun property_value(self: Node, value: i32): void = property$0(self, value)
private fun property$0(self: Node): i32 = i32.load(self, Node.^property$0_offset)
private fun property$0(self: Node, value: i32): void =, value, Node.^property$0_offset)
fun property_left(self: Node): Tree = property$1(self)
fun property_left(self: Node, value: Tree): void = property$1(self, value)
private fun property$1(self: Node): Tree = Tree.load(self, Node.^property$1_offset)
private fun property$1(self: Node, value: Tree): void =, value, Node.^property$1_offset)
fun property_right(self: Node): Tree = property$2(self)
fun property_right(self: Node, value: Tree): void = property$2(self, value)
private fun property$2(self: Node): Tree = Tree.load(self, Node.^property$2_offset)
private fun property$2(self: Node, value: Tree): void =, value, Node.^property$2_offset)
fun is(a: (Node | ref)): boolean = %wasm {
(i64.eq (i64.and (i64.const 0xffffffff00000000) (local.get $a)) (call Node$discriminant))
fun store(lhs: ref, rhs: Node, offset: u32): void = %wasm {
( (i32.add (local.get $offset) (call addressFromRef (local.get $lhs))) (local.get $rhs))
fun load(lhs: ref, offset: u32): Node = %wasm {
(i64.load (i32.add (local.get $offset) (call addressFromRef (local.get $lhs))))